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Kudos for Flaming-Sapphire

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • Where do I start? She's just fantastic, her characters are fun and sweet (just like her) and it's just so much fun Rping with her. - Vali99

  • She's kind, funny, creative and interesting, She is one of my best RP partners, I love her to bits and I'll bet you will too! - Vali99

  • Its been quite a while since I've rped with flaming-sapphire, but i know anyone will love her ideas. With fun characters and the ability to help with supporting characters, she can intertwine two stories successfully and ive enjoyed all the rps we have had. - linktheriolu

  • This girl right here is flat out awesome. She loves to make a plot twists but make sure they don't stray from the main plot. She is also great at having her characters be sarcastic at just the right moments and always make me smile. Hopefully you can bug her for an rp. I know she wont mind! - AdorableKitten

  • Flaming-Sapphire simply Epic my Rp with her is amazing! her use of sarcasm and battle are brilliant Rp with her cos she's epic and a really good RPer! ;) - Vali99

  • Sapphire is an amazing roleplayer, she always has this way of making the story interesting by either giving the plot a twist or adding a bit of romance. I truly recommend roleplaying with her. - PopcornDragon