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Kudos for BabyDragon

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • ...I don't even know where to start. Actress, Game of thrones fan, beautiful human being! - 500 characters is NOT enough to talk about this wonderful person.
    I'll sum it up quickly. She's a lovely person OOC and has ridiculously well thought out characters all modified with her own depth. To quote Shia LaBeouf - "Just do it.
    Roleplay with Anne." - Lendoran

  • Baby is an amazing rper. We haven't rp long, but she has proved to be a great partner with each thrust. I hope to start more rps with her in the future. Love ya, Baby! - Ricochett

  • Why you'll love Baby? 'Cause she is so goddamn awesome and lovely! I mean she is amazing and the best mindtwister out there, for when your feeling down. So yeah.. As you can hear she means so much to me, that putting it into writing is not that easy. But all in all she is just amazing. - Panni

  • Sociable, agreeable, and a talented Roleplayer to boot! She presents her characters realistically, and keeps the story going by offering a good bit to work with! No one liners from this one, that's for sure! - Gutebnurg456