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Kudos for Jer

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • Jer
    Charmer, Jeremy is a goddamn charmer. A long term friend that comes and goes when he pleases, has interesting characters that have developed and evolved over time through trials and tribulations and has some of the best writing (when he sits down and actually does it) ”“ Gee Jerm, we have been friends for an awefully long time. - Clove

  • Phobia (played by Jer)
    the yang to sorrow's yin, these two are like night and day. despite their polar opposites and love/hate relationship, they compliment and attract each other and share a bond and love so deep that it is safe to say sorrow has found her soulmate -- although she hates to say it and would rather fight him than ever admit that. he is the only man she would ever bear children for, and the two have each other's backs through thick and thin. - sorrow

  • Jer
    simply put, this guy is one of my best friends in this game and i adore him. i've known him for years, and he always makes RP fun and interesting. suck it, jeremy. I LOVE YOU. <3 - sorrow

  • Phobia (played by Jer)
    There is this delectable and almost delirious animosity between our main-characters that lures me in on a frequent basis. Like a drug addict needing a fix; I just can't have enough of this terribly extraordinary beastie. I can't help but jump on any opportunity to have him face to face with my Lyssic. - Lyssic

  • Jer
    There are few players I return to with avid frequency, like a moth to a flame. So it doesn't surprise me that we stuck around for many years, rping our main-characters like a cat-and-dog chase. He is funny, adorably kind and always got a smile on my face when I chat with him. - Lyssic

  • Jer
    This fella right here is one outstanding Rper. I've had many great RP's with him and not a one of them was ever dull. I've known him now for several years and he's still a great dude OOCLY. He's very respectable and fun to be around. If you ever get the chance to RP with him, take it. - HoundDog