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Kudos for MynMeni

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • Based on what I've read from the other reviews, I'd have to say if you're looking for an excellent long-term Roleplayer with personality at her fingertips? I'd point to MynMeni, The Wholesome Tiefling. Creative ideas Wonderful writer - Noah-Bear95

  • Helene is one of the finest people I've ever had the pleasure of interacting with on this platform. The level of character development that she brings to the table is second to none and is rather flexible with world creation (Which is a big plus for me). Definitely DM this user for an amazing experience!!! :) Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - Volty5

  • MynMeni is a wonderful Rper. Very Kind with nice details added to the posts. Its been too long since I haven't written a Recommend and its long over due. I am not one for words as I would rather show with my actions. Kind and understanding Long posts - szzickra

  • Love your characters! - Izzy_FujoshiYandere

  • She is the only one that I found that is always ready for RP so I give kudos to her and all her characters - Christopherlt1

  • OH MY GOD! I can't believe I'm her first Kudos! She is a sweet heart and is a great RPer she keeps the suspense in the RP and knows how to reply to a RP in such a way I am so excited to read what she sends next! Any RP with her is a RP I want to be in she is flipping fantastic! Can't wait to see are RPs thrive Myn! :D - Marcat2001