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Kudos for Sweet16

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • Julia you are everything that I've always wanted in a person. You're kind, honest, considerate, and responsible. Your dedication is also a very strong suit that you carry, having over eighty hours already on your first month here!

    Your characters are so unique and I know that everyone will love the way you develop them! Your writing is also one of its own! Thank you for having such a great devotion and I can assure anyone who RPs with you that they'll have a wonderful time ^_^ XD XD :D. - _EBG

  • This girl is seriously just the sweetest girl ever, but I guess that is just another reason to call her Sweetie. She has done such an amazing job at taking GHI and turning it into NGHI. Sweetie hasn't been here long, but GOOD GOLLY she's dedicated do much time into this rp already. Her character and my main character don't get along, at all. But in away, it adds so much depth to the rp. I hope you continue to rp, because your writing is beautiful and your amazing at becoming your character. - Imtoorandom

  • Sonya Rivington (played by Sweet16)
    Haha, it's funny how I gave a kudos on the wrooong place XD XD XD. Don't mind me! But it gives me a perfect excuse to tell you that I'm really glad to have such a great character be a part of this community! You make her seem lifelike, having her own journal to record her time on this website. Does she have an agent? I'd be interested in working with you some more ^_^! If there was a way for me to rate you on your performance, you would get a perfect 10! - _EBG