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Kudos for ElizabethdeMedici

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • I can't believe I haven't given Amira kudos yet. I've known her for years now, and her writing has improved with every year. She is an amazing writer, worth every response, and her characters are addictive to speak with Creative ideas Fast responses - CassandravH

  • ElizabethdeMedici is an extremely talented writer. Like, wow. She excels in creating a well-constructed tone, often dark, and it really brings you into the world of the RP. Very cool person. 9.3333333/10 - tisonlychaos

  • Yeah yeah, imma double Kudos you. Suck it up. 😘 Anyways... Elizabeth, like I already said is beautiful, not afraid of anything. But the actual person 'Elizabeth de Medici' is a true, cold-blooded female dog, that is an amazing role player. But you have to live up to her standards. I'd hug her, but I have this feeling that she'd throw me off a bridge, so instead, all I'll say is that you should have an awesome time with Mir-Mir. - Ava_Dennis_

  • Elizabeth is the perfect mix of magic and power. She's a strong, fierce woman that is not afraid of anything. Elizabeth is beautiful, and she really packs a punch. Three woops for Elizabeth! - Ava_Dennis_