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Kudos for blue.nova

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • This new year found me crossing paths with Blue Nova, and being we both have been on RP Repository for some years, its surprising we hadn't run into each other before. Recently started an RP and have to say its quickly taken off. The planning was minimal and the story is just developing more and more every post. Her characters are well thought out and presented beautifully, and is a great person to talk with OOC. If the opportunity arises to RP with Blue Nova, it will be fulfilling to take it! Wonderful writer Long posts - Rogue-Scribe

  • As a newcomer to RPR, I feel extremely lucky to have stumbled across moleala and been given the opportunity to share in a role-play with her. Her writing style is fluid, and fun to keep up with! All of her replies are well-thought out, and she is just amazing at creating atmosphere. I'm really enjoying myself; thanks for picking me to role-play with you :) <3 - Calathe

  • It's been a short amount of time since we started roleplaying together but she's amazing! We're doing a Stranger Things one. I love the way she gets into character and how she interprets canon characters since that's actually hard to do. I simply love the way she writes <3 - Nare

  • This girl. Right here. Amazing. If you like to RP in books or movies do it with her. I'm doing a RP based on the novel/movie The Outsiders and she is SO AWESOME!! This girl knows exactly what she's doing in the RP and is also great at playing multiple characters at once!! Keep being awesome!! :3 <3 - LadyOfGondor