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Kudos for Souun

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • Souun has great potential of being a very good rp partner. I loved how well developed his character Souunkatsu is, and how well he made it so his character can fit in with the Samurai Warriors verse. He's also one of the few people who has gotten me to attempt portraying a different version of a canon. Mostly I am best suited for Sengoku Basara canons, but I'm attempting the Samurai Warriors versions and so far not regretting it. I look forward to seeing what lies in store for future adventures. - MasterWinter