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Kudos for AkhriHrsh

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • He's still the same as before! Open-minded and easy to communicate with, and still a fantastic writer. All of our interactions have been nothing but positive. Kind and understanding Concise posts - nightmqre

  • I really enjoy roleplaying with this dude. He was open to try something that he had no idea how to do, and so far our Roleplay is really sweet. He may be new to the site, but I think he'll fit right in. If you want an awesome dude to Roleplay with, I suggest talking to this man and getting to know him! - nightmqre