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Kudos for Embry

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • Embry and I have been on some pretty long-stand adventures, and no matter our time apart when we reconnect it's like a year or two never passed. We're right back at it! I've known her for well over 12+ years and we're still excited to roleplay with one another and joke about!! I look forward to our current plots and so much more. Her writing is captivating and tailored to the characters she plays, adding depths and so much individual personality that it's very easy to tell each character apart! Wonderful writer Drives the plot forward - Mars

  • I miss this butt face, and her humorous sarcasm and deadpan snarkiness that often laced conversations with her. She plays a variety of interesting characters and among the few that I know that can easily transition between male and female entities seemingly without any trouble what so ever, and that in itself is an uncommon talent indeed. - Taciturn

  • Always someone whose characters I've seriously admired from afar. The few times I've had chance to RP with her have been thoroughly entertaining, and she comes across as a sweetheart even in passing conversation. A gem! :) - unlikelynominee

  • Missa (played by Embry)
    Lumlums, crocodile shifting and adventures omai. Missa always seems to have something going on. Never dull! - Toriko

  • I have to say I love RPing with Embry's characters. Full of personality and enjoyable company, I never find myself bored when engaging one of her creations. The player is a true sweetheart and really enjoyable all around. - CrescentNomad

  • Engaging characters is just one of the reasons why you should RP with this chick. I don't have space for the teeming throng of others, sadly. - Ulysses

  • Embry is a long-standing friend of mine, her roleplay is FANTASTIC and never dull! Always a good time. She's creative, flexible and patient. I recommend her roleplay anywhere! - Mars