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Kudos for Tolora

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • D: Tolora, my deepest apologies, I thought I had given you kudos. I don't know why I thought that, but I did.

    Alright, Tolora is a awesome RP partner! I've only played with Markal so far, but I love what I've seen! Her style is awesome, and always writes paragraphs! She is so fun to RP with! - booksarebae

  • I love your tiger character and our RP that is going with it. This lass here is a very good and fun roleplayer and is pretty enjoyable as well. Hope to do somemore amazing ones with her in the future. - Asroc

  • All of the darn plot twists. My mind. Anyway, she's an INCREDIBLE roleplayer, replying quickly and being amazing while she's at it. YOLOSWAJIT to victory. - EpicMan561

  • Well, where do I begin? She's a good player all around, and she somehow manages to keep me wanting more. She always manages to respond at least once a day, with very detailed paragraphs. As I said, very good role-player all round. 'Nuff said. - TheHero1208

  • Tolora can definitely be one to RP with.The qualities of her ccharacters are unique in their own way. In the end it results in a fun RP that can last a long time. - Kormazon

  • Tolora Mikiko (played by Tolora)
    She is an awesome RP'er. She can be multiple characters at once, and can add imagery to her RP's. Overall, she is very talented. - ShiningAngelOfDe