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Kudos for xashley16

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • Even though I've seen her in some Roleplays she seems pretty cool and she's got cool characters and a nice name have fun Roleplaying Ashly - Seasongriffen

  • For someone who has just recently gotten into roleplaying, Ashley is phenomenal at it. Quick responses, in-depth characters, and interesting plots keep RPing with her fun. I love being able to work with her to build some of the best RPs I've ever been a part of, and hopefully you'll get that opportunity as well :D - spider_pig_girl

  • Ashley is a great Roleplayer, knows how to push the plot forward, and rarely spaces. She keeps it interesting, Too. Also she doesn't mind stepping OOC every once in a while to help with personal problems. Thank you <3 - Clearlow

  • Kristy (played by xashley16)
    Kristy is a very fun character to RP opposite of. She's interesting and keeps a scene fresh, possessing some of that innocent wide-eyed wonder at the world. She's also willing tog o hands on, as evidenced when we RP'd staking out a nasty older vampire! She's much fun, an RP with her won't disappoint. - DragonShard

  • Though I've only been playing with her for a short time, I've quickly been impressed by what a good writer xashley16 is. Her replies are well thought out, her portrayal of her characters is very enjoying, and she always leaves something for the next writer to work off of in their post. I'd recommend her for RP anytime and look forward to continuing our current games! - DragonShard