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I am a clone, number 247 to be exact, and I have been on the run ever since I escaped the lab we all called the Nursery. They trained us to be government assassins and spec ops personnel since we came out of the tube. My upbringing was with a woman I only knew as K, she was my nanny and my handler. I was trained in hand to hand combat as well as melee and ballistic weapons, but at night we were given separate rooms for observational purposes and K would come and read me books. Fantastic stories of fiction and far away places, so I asked for some writing implements and began to write stories. On my 18th year of immersion, I had finished my book and asked K to hold onto it. But that day was the day of my escape, and my story detailed how I was going to escape from the facility. So here I am, on the run with nothing but new found freedom.

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