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Forums » Suggestions » Editor improvements?

Can the editor be made true WYSIWYG? Raw BBcode gets frustrating to handle when I have a mega double decker sandwich of tags inside each other (which don't parse in the most intuitive way). I like how the beta editor auto updates the preview for formatting but why do I have to click it again if I'm just adding new plain text? Is this intentional, or some kind of limit?

And can the editor retain our formatting if we paste formatted text from elsewhere? My workflow is kind of janky where I don't really like using the RPR editor. I'll do most of my work in another program but as a user I will always have to go through it anyway to be able to post, so I end up slowing myself down by doing the same work twice in both word processors and playing spot the difference between: my text in my chosen programs, the text with BBcode, and finally the preview of the BBcode. It's less productive than I'd like.

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Hate to say it, but - I've honestly been avoiding true WYSIWYG as I have found most "WYSIWYG" solutions to be highly unreliable, especially when dealing with hundreds of potential character template styles that means what you see in editing is not what you will necessarily see on the profile.

Retaining formatting from elsewhere opens a huge can of worms; I've dealt with a huge number of client websites that were just chock full of bugs from all the different ways all the different places in the world could spit out formatting and the unintended consequences thereof.

I'm probably not going to be making these changes any time soon, sorry. The current combo seems to give us a good balance between reliability and customization, at least to my taste.