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Lore Wiki » Epic Weeks » Common Epic Week Features » Health

All users have 75 max HP.

The health bar at full

Healing: Over Time

Users regain 5 HP at the start of each combat round (5 minute increments: 5 minutes past the hour, 10 minutes past the hour, 15 minutes past the hour, etc.). This means it takes 1 hour and 15 minutes for a user to heal from 0 HP back to full.

If you are blighted, you will not regain HP over time until the blight status effect has been resolved.

Healing: Via Items

The most common healing items, which can be found randomly on the site throughout Epic Week, is a Party Hat of Healing. The basic party hats of healing restore 5 to 15 health immediately, and can be used in between combat actions.

If you are blighted, healing items will be the only way you can regain health at all until the blight status effect has been resolved.

Falling to 0 HP

Users cannot die during Epic Week. The only penalty of falling to 0 HP is that you cannot take any combat actions (attacking, buffing a friend) until you regain at least 1 HP.


In some Epic Weeks, users' max health has gone up to 85 or even 100 for all players as the plot has progressed. However, this has not lasted beyond the specific Epic Week in which it happens, always resetting back to 75 by the next Epic Week.

Lore Wiki » Epic Weeks » Common Epic Week Features » Health