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Hey there! Call me Ace or Max or really just whatever- as long as I know you're referring to me!

About me and role-playing:
I'm fairly new to online RPing, but so far I'm having a blast! I tend to prefer paragraphs (I'd keep writing until my batteries run out if left to my own devices), but I'm pretty flexible with formats.
I do prefer RPs with some semblance of a plot, because ice-breakers do tend to get old and character conversations eventually run down after so much. This doesn't mean that every detail needs to be planned out or that each RP has to be of LoTR proportions. I simply prefer there to be a clear direction or something for my characters to do, and most of the time I'm just cool with seeing where the RP leads my characters.

I prefer fantasy and modern-fantasy RPs. I tend to like RPing in a smaller group (five at most), as more can be a bit overwhelming at times.

Usually I'll be able to reply within a few hours, but please keep in mind that sometimes life and uni hours can get in the way. On top of that, I come from the land down under, which means that my hours are pretty wacky at times compared to most.

About me and my losers:
Nearly all my characters are from the story that I will one day get around to writing. Just not… today, you know? It's waited more than twelve years to be written (and was subjected to quite a few overhauls), what's another few years?

If you wanna know more (though it totally beats me why), I just recently started up a tumblr where you can check out more stuff on my head-world and some lame doodles.

Inquiring minds want to know why we too should befriend Acerin!

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