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I like turtles.
I also like anime and play games and stuff..
I prefer both cats and dogs, they're both cute.

Manga > Anime: imo, more story and more depth(possibly better artwork).
Fave movie: probably The Great Gatsby? I have fave movies according to category, so that's just one.
Music: I like alotta stuff, Jpop, Kpop, Rock, Heavy Metal, EDM (maybe), Pop idek alot of stuff. I also like artists by Genre but if i were to pick an absolute fave...Arctic Monkeys.
Fave Manga: ugh hard one, but for now it's Vagabond.
Fave Anime: Don't. Never ask me this.
Fave Shows: Rupaul's Drag Race, AHS aaaand at the moment maybe iZombie.

I wuff all of you.
I'm not a stalker, I promise.

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