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- - W e l c o m e - -

I'm a whole lotta nothing, yes I am.

<3 My name is Lilith <3

I'm on this site for what should be obvious reasons, roleplaying!
I like to get detailed and write a lot, but sometimes I can't do better than a few sentences. I try to be descriptive, though ^^
A lot of my characters are...tragic. Tragedy is my strong suit, so a lot of my characters tend to have some air of dreariness to them.
But all the more reason to sweeten their lives up a bit, am I right? :D
I have...some specifics as to what I'm comfortable roleplaying with.
Now I will be up front about some of the things I don't feel comfortable doing.
- Real people.
- Anthros/furries
- Non-fiction scenarios.
- Characters that are not mine (Ex: I will not roleplay as Harry Potter or a character you give me.)
- Really saturated, sickly sweet romance.

There are a few situations that I am not all that comfortable in, but would still be willing to try, provided that you know what kind of world it is, and are patient with me as I try to understand it.
- Sci-fi
- Anime worlds

Here are some of my strong suits and what I'm most comfortable with <3
- Fantasy
- Supernatural (Minus aliens)
- Romantic relationships
- Horror
- Creatures such as vampires, ghosts, witches, and more! (Ask me personally about other creatures and species you have in mind)

I do enjoy drawing and would like to draw my characters, but sometimes I just can't find the effort. So if some of my characters don't have visual images I'm very sorry.
And I'd be glad to be your friend if you're willing to approach me! I'm... much too shy to do it myself;;;;

Ah, what else is there to say...
Oh! I have no life. So I might be on here a lot ^^
I also get very emotionally attached to some of my characters, so please don't bully them too much. I'll feel the pain too </3

My Blueberry Boyfriend~

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