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New to this website, dunno how things work 'round here, so I'll assume there's the same kinds of people as everywhere else. Hence, here goes :

Don't talk to me if you expect friendship, moral support, exchanges of favours, or anything similar. I'm obviously not against making friends here, but I dislike overly friendly behaviour. I'd rather get to know someone slowly as we RP together
Also don't talk to me if you're into light themed or everyday-life RP. The only things that interest me on this matter are dark and mature stories of any genre, as long as they are realistic and not filled with teddy bears (by realistic, understand that they obey social rules of our world, with violence and decadence at the center, the story can otherwise contain magic and stuff)
Romance simply isn't my forte, but storytelling sure is, with worldbuilding close behind. Do keep in mind however that I can take time to create interesting elements of such concepts, so asking me to provide a full world for an RP might not be the wisest decision

I'll add whatever other remarks I have to give you when I think about them. For now, this should be a good enough start

Also, I've had enough people ask me who my profile picture is, so just google it and don't bother me with that

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