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I'm a huge Trekker! My favorite series is DS9, and I enjoy the social/political aspect of Trek, and SF in general. I'm also a Whovian, and enjoy the Doctor's incarnations all the way back to 1963, even the cheesy ones. I usually RP sometime after 5 on Tuesday-Thursday, and more often other days more often, and look for /STORY AND MISSION/ oriented play, not just chat. Sex, adult material, and such, are fine, but I'm not looking for a real life relationship--just an rp one--if it happens. If not that's fine too.

I've been blind since birth, and use a screen reader to RP, so I'll be a bit slow in posing since I have to read your prior posts. I'm looking for Trekkers and SF ppl like me who like missions, plots, and adventures and who don't mind side stories, since I fancy myself a pretty decent writer if I get enough time and patience to do so.

Hoping to Meet You Soon,


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