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Born and raised in the southeast of the US, I have been role playing for over ten years, getting my start on Gaia, moving to ProBoards, and then verging into more adult oriented forums. I role play a wide range of genres with a preference toward the fantastical, historical and romantic. My weakness is probably heavy combat role plays, group role plays and sci-fi, steampunk role plays. If you're interested in a one on one role play though, feel free to send me a message! The worst I can say is no right?

Other than role playing, I'm an avid reader and love reading fantasy young adult novels, romance novels in general, and am a huge fan of the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas, as if you couldn't tell by my username. As far as television series, I'm a huge Outlander addict and currently run a podcast dedicated to all things Outlander. I'm definitely part of the HamFam (Hamilton: The Musical fandom for the win) and love me some Lin-Manuel Miranda. The guy is a genius. While I'm not really into fandom role playing, you can certainly PM me to discuss any of these things and we can fan-out togther.

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