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Hi, I'm a dame who's really into Crytpids, Aliens, and all that other strange shit (though I'm a skeptic.) I only have a couple rules when it comes to RP, and here they are.

1. Be 18+ OOC, this ones obvious!

2. I don't give out information about myself over the internet, it's nothing personal I'd just rather not have that sort of thing floating around cyberspace, I do love to chat about random stuff though.

3. I don't like talking about other players behind their back, so keep that junk to yourself!

4. If you aren't enjoying an RP, please let me know. It's much easier to adapt and get better if everyone is upfront about if they're having fun or not.

5. Understand that my characters actions aren't intended as some sot of slight against you personally, they might be very mean to your character, or foil their plans and so on, but I'm not doing it to insult you! I know saying 'keep OC/IC seperate!' seems like the most obvious thing in the world, but in practice it can sometimes be hard not to take this sort of stuff personally.

6. My schedule is pretty erratic, I'm on around 3-5 times per week, a mix between weekends and weekdays, and always at night.

Aside from that I'm pretty adaptable with this whole RP thing, so whatever you have planned just run it by me and I'll almost always be on board! I also like RP that starts without any plan in mind at all, so always whisper me in game or message me here for whatever reason.

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