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Hi! I'm the Cupcake Sorceress. You can call me Cupcake though...
I'm obviously a chick.
Cause it says so on my profile.
I like all kinds of RP, and I'll RP on the site if you want me to, but I also do a lot of RPs on Kik, so if you want that to be thing, just say so.
My biggest fandoms are...
-Harry Potter
-Gravity Falls
-Various Anime
And those are the big three.
Oh, also Off and other RPG Maker Horror Games.
And Five Nights at Freddy's (the story is so interesting) and Outlast (the game is so much fun!).
So that's that I guess...
Ask me about stuff and I'll say words in response. I pretty much don't care what you ask, I'll give you either an honest answer or a stupid answer. It's easy to tell the difference between the two.

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