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UH, greetings! Uhm, I'm Gaku/Yaha/Sayu/Daddy but uh.. You can call me whatever you want really-- I'm just your average person who needs to learn how to properly write since I s u c k- I taught myself since my teachers in the past failed to help me but besides that fact I'm figuring it out slowly.

I've been roleplaying for about a year now? I learnt it from friends and people alike- due to my name's nature- emphasis on hoe, yes I am a so-called "hoe" but It's mostly for comedic reasons besides my nature to be a bit of a perv and flirt~ AndDueToTheFactILearntTtoRoleplayBySmuttingWhichI'mNotTooProudOfButIt'sStillFun-- But yeah~ It's a pleasure to meet you all~!

If you want to roleplay feel free to spam my Dms~ I mean don't actually spam me-- but-- you get what I mean? Right?? 。゚(TヮT)゚。

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