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I generally have a characteristic wry and sarcastic sense of humor. I am considered a bit of an oddity but prefer my nonconformism as opposed to going along with others' styles. And yes, I am a weirdo. I am not normal. I don't usually like to fit in the crowds. And I don't want to. And if you could see me, you would notice that I wear a beanie cap like always. And this is weird. But there are certain things that you would like to know about me.
1. I love to eat
From burgers to french fries, I love to eat. And everything in your grocery list.
2. I don't like dating.
It may seem strange, but I don't really like dating. Though, I am more interested in girls.
3. I am a writer
It is also evident I am a good writer, based on my eloquent narration to any novel. Before joining the Literary Club of my school, I usually spent a lot of time on writing imagines and stories.
4. I am a critical thinker
I analyze my peers and the happenings in the town. I don't simply believe everything that I hear but instead, figure out what makes the most sense to me. I am not gullible to the manipulation and lies happening around me.
5. I am a loyal friend
I may not have that big peer group, but whatever I have, I am loyal to it. If you are having troubles in your life, and I happen to be your friend, I'll sit and listen to what you are saying before pouncing with a load of advice.
So, you know much about me and now the rest of my story will be told by my characters

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