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I've been role playing for about 6 years now, but I'm not a master at it. I've loved reading and writing since I was a kid, so I decided to give RP a try and started off with simple one-liners and kept to them for a while until one day I read a starter. This starter, I like to think, not only changed the way I role play, but the way I carry myself. There was so much detail that the role player seemed as if they were trying to paint a mental masterpiece with their very words in the minds of the readers. This inspired me to put more work and creativity into my own writings. At first it was a bit difficult, I mean writer's block is a huge problem I have, but after a while I got the hang of creating fully detailed paragraphs with ease, all the typing no longer bothered me. This helped my real life in a few ways as well. My grammar skills improved and my vocabulary became more extensive. In school I was able to write essays that were supposed to take a week in a mere couple of days and at home I was able to go into more detail when writing in my journal. Role playing became not just a hobby, but a great way for me to escape and let my mind roam wild. I believe that anyone can put detail and length into their role playing, if they're willing to take the time. Our greatest tools are our imaginations, and they're only limited by the barriers we set for ourselves in our minds.
But enough about me as a role player, here's a bit about me as a person. :)
As I mentioned before I love reading and writing, but they're just a couple of my various interests and hobbies. I like to draw and sing, though I'm not very good at either hehe. But, I try, and that's all that matters. I also love music. Everyday I listen to it and I think it runs through my veins instead of blood O_O Like, if I cut myself I might bleed notes hehe. I am also a huge anime fan with too many favorites to name XD But it isn't just anime, I'm a fantasy geek all together. Dungeons and Dragons, Magic the Gathering, YuGiOh, you name it.

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