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ALRIGHTY! Decided to edit this a little so people might be more interested in poking me for future roleplays. Soooo here I go!

Hello! Welcome to my... profile? I am a twenty seven-year-old gal who just has a blast roleplaying. I've been at it for almost fifteen years and don't see myself stopping anytime soon. What I lack in spelling and grammar I make up for in spirit, determination, and plotting! My favorite things are fantasy, futuristic and medieval type of things, but I am always willing to try out new stuff.

Most if not all my OCs are adults. I do not play teens or children. They are also mostly human, but I do have a few random quads and anthros mixed in there, though I don't really have much muse for non-human OCs. My OC list is... pretty large. Probably more than this site could handle. What I have up right now are just a few OCs I am musing out too right now so if you want to meet someone else let me know.

I work full time, I have a family and pets. So, I can't RP ALL the time, but I will do my best to keep track of things. If something happens where I cannot roleplay any longer I'll let you know. For my starts and replies, I usually try and turn out a couple of paragraphs to keep things interesting. Not much for one liners since they kinda bore me after a while. Sorry! But, feel free to hit me up if you want. I'm friendly and love to chat... so no need to think I'll bite your head off.

Maybe I'll add more later on, butttt we shall see. Take care and hope to hear from you soon! ;3

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