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I am a mysterious, dorky storyteller with a bunch of characters.

I am many things. A writer, an artist, a designer, a dancer, a reader, a fangirl, an dork, a coffee lover, a wannabe paranormal investigator, a ghost lover and a believer of aliens.
I write and draw things about the characters I create, and sometimes about characters I did not create. Either way, I love doing both. ^^ I draw all the art used on this profile and my character profiles.
I love music (ask me about my favorite bands, I could LITERALLY give you a list) and like to dance a dork. Music is also a major inspiration in my work and in my characters. ^^
I am in fandoms. Many fandoms. My latest fandom is Epic Mickey and Disney.
I do love myself some coffee, rain, and books. Currently reading The Night Circus.
I love paranormal stuff, which is also reflected in my characters. Whether it be ghosts, aliens, monsters, whatever, I probably like it.

I'm up to RPing almost anything if it's not excessively gory or involves sex. Drop by and say hi, I'd love to discuss a plot with you!

You can visit me at my tumblr:

Thanks for visiting me, I look forward to RPing with you. ^^

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