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Greetings, weary traveler.

Whoa. Dramatic.

Hi! I'm Charlie. I've been roleplaying since 2012, and love it. I'm pansexual and genderfluid, so I use they/them pronouns. My favorite things in the world are Disney, musical theater, adventures, summertime, animals, nature, and my friends. I'm a generally very happy and optimistic person. I enjoy singing, acting, writing, and spending time with my friends. I'm a feminist, which is something that is very important to me. I believe in human liberation. I practice Greek Paganism/Hellenism, meaning I believe in the Greek gods and goddesses. I'm Puerto Rican and Irish. I live on the Jersey Shore, near where the TV show is filmed. I have a yorkie named Precious who is the most adorable thing in the world. I like candy a lot.

Now you know some things about me, and I'd like to know about you! If you'd like to talk or RP, message me! See ya!

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