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|| 𙱠𚊠𚜠𚒠𚌠𚜠||


joey ✩ genderqueer ✩ artist

enfp | sagittarius | gryffindor

UTC +8 [MYT]

|| 𙳠𚎠ðš 𚊠𚒠𚕠𚜠||

Ahoy there, and welcome to my page! Feel free to pick some starberries for inspiration. I'm a teenager in Asia who just likes to do their thing, strum the ukulele, drink some tea and draw a ton. I sometimes scream about cats. And robots. And sci-fi. And anime. And art in general. Feel free to scream with me through a comment or DM!

|| 𚁠𚘠𚕠𚎠𚙠𚕠𚊠𚢠𙿠𚛠𚎠𚏠𚎠𚛠𚎠𚗠𚌠𚎠𚜠||


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Before starting a roleplay, please shoot me a DM to discuss a basic plot, set boundaries, present ideas and choose what characters will be used in a roleplay. I'm also very new to just roleplaying like this so please excuse me if I do anything wrong!

I'm very sensitive to excessive or graphic gore, so if it's possible keep it to a minimum in a roleplay. However, fight scenes and minor injuries are alright!

I'm not too picky with genre but what I will say is that I am terrible at fantasy RPs - but everything else is pretty much alright! Please notify me if I get anything wrong, though. I don't usually have any universes of my own either; so if you want to incorporate my character into your world or universe in a roleplay, feel free to do so.

I'm now back at school which means I will reply at random intervals - I am slightly more free during the weekends, though, which is probably the time I will reply.

Length and eloquence don't matter; just give me enough to reply and contribute to in the roleplay! However, it's important not to be carried away too much and do a lot at once in one reply.

Sometimes I might wish to draw a scene from the roleplay if it's interesting enough, however, if you are uncomfortable or unwilling for me to draw your character, that is completely fine. Wherever I post the picture, I will credit you if your OC is in it.

|| 𙻠𚒠𚗠𚔠𚜠||

✧°â˜†Find me here on these sites!☆°âœ§


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