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I admit it, I am Undertale trash and Fandom trash. I'm a college Freshman, I'm married, and I'm an RP veteran at this point... so needless to say, I'm at the point in my life where it is time I learn the basics of D&D in hopes of being able to tackle something new that I've yet to try.

Feel free to add me and chat about fandoms, or even ships (there's so many of those), but if you mess with the people I care about...
Y O U ' R E . G O N N A . H A V E . A . B A D . T I M E..*

..Well, okay, maybe not entirely because of me, but some will be. None the less though! I will annoy you to death, and I have quite the DETERMINATION. If you're nice though, feel free to chat. ^-^

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