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I'm itching to do some one-on-one science fiction or dystopian roleplays. I am looking for setting with fanastical but not outrageous settings (for example, cloning can exist in a world but it should be difficult or otherwise costly to perform). I want strong plots that the characters can develop within over time.

Themes that specifically interest me are: space colony, post-apocalyptic dystopia, sentient androids, death and dying in a far-future world where such things have become uncommon (funeral parlor RP?), and almost any other science fiction setting.

I am open to RPing all sort of different humanoid characters. I will mold the character strongly based on the world they live in.

I'm looking for a partner who is comfortable writing replies ranging from a few sentences to several paragraphs. As long as what your character says or does moves the story forward I am happy to role play with you. However, one-liners like "hey" or "I don't know" lack substance and are frustrating to RP with. I am not super strict with grammar and spelling but my RP partner does have to be coherent.

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