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A.K.A. – Trying to figure out how to write about myself and my characters without seeming either too spacey or too arrogant. Or crazy. How does one advertise themselves without overselling their talents and underselling their flaws?

Take for example: I'm creative. It's a simple line, far too simple for what it entails, but 'I'm [marvelous, wondrous, fantastically] creative' seems too much. And then you move on to what you like. I enjoy fantasy – well what kind, and limits, and nitty-gritty details that take forever.

I know I'm simply over thinking this at the moment – which is in fact, something I'm prone to. I'll work on this when my mind quiets down a little and I can collect my thoughts in some semblance of an order. Till then, just know that I enjoy writing, creating worlds and perfectly imperfect characters. I overwrite if I love a story and I enjoy reading longer, detail rich, posts.

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