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My real name is Lea-Fong and I am an epic role player! I may have sweet and innocent characters, but I make them that way to spring a surprise that they can really kick butt. I naturally don't mind any language (Swear words) being put into my role plays simply because I am someone who things that the words make the characters.
I have been role playing for about...meh...2-3 years now. It pretty much helps me escape into a world I would rather be in then the one I am living in currently.

Please do not type really short sentences when role playing with me because I will end up typing a few sentences too because I have little to work with. So, please type at least five or more sentences.

I can't wait to role play with you!

-Lamb :3



Draw me like one of your French girls~

Inquiring minds want to know why we too should befriend Lamb!

Did you remember to explain why your friend is awesome?

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