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Figured I need some kind of simple database for my characters, and this is as good a place as any!

First up, a few points worth mentioning:
1. I am not here seeking snugs, cuddles, or relationships.
- My characters' lives and my life are VERY separate.
+ Many of my OCs are interested in affection and relationships. I, however, AM NOT.
- As such, please refrain from making cheap advances on me.
+ Failure to do so will result in a long and tired process of me avoiding and downplaying your motions until you get the picture, which may end in your feelings being hurt.
( I don't like hurting feelings; thus, why I struggle so much with saying "I'm not interested". So, please spare us both the heartache by directing your empty affections toward someone who welcomes them! )

2. I typically seek RP for the purpose of developing my characters.
- While character pairings are certainly not out of the question (rather, they may be openly embraced!), that is not always something I am seeking. Generally, I will make profiles for the characters I enjoy, but that need a bit more fleshing out.
- That being said... PLEASE engage me, if you find any of my characters appealing!! I'd really like to expand them & understand them, which are developments best made via roleplay!!

- Sorry if my above notes seem harsh but, really, I'm a super chill and laid-back person!!
- Again, I'm just on this site for the specific purpose of defining my characters, and I'm really hoping this website may be an asset in achieving those goals!
- Don't be afraid to approach me; I'm a pretty big goofball, and your message is never going to be a bother!
(I mean, unless you just PM me to "snuggle"...)

Lemur's Characters

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