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Old school RP Vet attempting to come out of retirement for, what's got to be, the 90th time in the last few years.

Here's what you need to know...

I am a Multiple Paragraph poster, with the occasional single paragraph post. I don't expect the same from potential RP partners, but one sentence responses do tend to get boring after awhile.

I don't care how old you are in reality as long as you present yourself with maturity I have no problem RPing with you.

I don't much care for Adult Based storylines. That being said...note there is difference between a storyline that is romantically geared and an "Adult" storyline. Relationships in game should blossom slowly over time, not reach their peak when textual naughty parts come together.

I am working on bringing back some of my original characters, so please excuse the lack of character summary sheets. I will be working on them over time.

For now...that's it. That's all I can think of right now. Will be updating this page later on as well, so stay tuned!

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