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~ I am comfortable with different styles of rp. Usually I get involved in para rp but I have no problem with short lines. Whatever is needed to get the point across is totally okay with me. I get this a lot, sometimes I can make rather large posts, I try to keep it straight to the point but I can get carried away. DON'T worry about trying to match me, just go with your own flow.

~ It will likely take me some time to get characters set up on here, so far I've only got the one. But, hey! If you have an idea for an rp of some sort, drop me a line and we can talk. I may just have a character somewhere that will work for what is needed.

~ Any setting is usually okay, just talk with me about it ahead of time. Sometimes I might not feel smart enough to pull off some kind of future technological setting, but I will always try my best. I do Table Top game so any type of D&D setting or White Wolf would be relatively easy for me to do! Currently we're running a D6 system called Airship Pirates. & it's pretty awesome~

~ I'm a dork, I have a flirty personality but it doesn't always -mean- something specific. I have a dirty mind and a dirty mouth at times, so if this offends you please let me know and I shall endeavor to keep my offensive trap shut. ;~;

~ I play video games. WoW is currently the only MMO I am on, but if you also play, maybe we can hang out sometime! I need more WoW friends, srsly. I also draw and my style changes from time to time. I haven't had a whole lot of time/practice with my tablet yet but I am getting better! My art is usually posted on FA. Do beware, some of it could be marked MATURE. Yanno, for nudie bits and stuff. But most of my stuff isn't. An example of it is in Naan's profile, if you don't want to visit the site. :'3

I can't think of much more, I don't really like talking about myself. So if you'd like to know anything, just ask. I'll probably give you an answer. ^_^;

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