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There's not much to tell. I usually para-post and I prefer correct grammar and spelling. I like to have things explained scientifically, so if Wit meets up with someone who uses magic, he'll want to do tests on them. He'll eventually scientifically explain how magic works. I find it to work as your brain can make pulses that affect electrons in atoms, causing them to move. For instance, let's say you can set things on fire with magic. This means that you cause atoms to move so quickly together that they combust, causing a flame. Magic can be explained, and I hate when people say that something happens because it happens. There has to be a reason why. Things don't just 'happen'.

Anyway, enough of me being a hardass. I'm a huge dork and will most likely not even bring anything up. If I'm ignoring you though, and it seems like I'm ignoring you, I probably am ignoring you. If you want a reason as to why, just ask. I'm not a nice person.

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