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Hello there, I'm called Pure-Chan. I have been in the RP world for like more than a year I believe. I really love the fantasy and adventure Rps, and my characters are basically evolved around that. I usually can be found on Deviantart or on Discord.
If you ever want to know more about how I do rps, message me and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Some things about me:
I Write In Paragraph Form
For me a good rp is when I have the freedom to write more than just one sentence. I like to describe the scene, and how the characters are feeling. Script rps are fine too, but I lean towards the more detailed ones.
I Can Do Both One on One and Groups
Both categories are pretty fun to be in, so it doesn't matter which you pick I'm up for it!
Sometimes I Roleplay More Than One Character, But Not A Whole Group
I can usually handle about three of my own characters to rp, but please don't put the burden of most or all characters except one on my shoulders. It's very hard work.
I'm Very Nice, Don't Really Bite At All
I'm a polite and kind young lady and respect others as much as they respect me. So don't be afraid to ask questions.

Pure-Chan's Characters

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