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Since Second Life is quite bad as far as profiles are concerned, I'm trying this as an alternative to link to from Second Life.

For now, a small summary:

    Experienced roleplayer (Neverwinternights I, Pen and Paper, and chatroom free form) albeit unfamiliar with SL-roleplay, and generally out of practice.

    Strongly prefer fantasy above regular, non-fantasy modern. Medieval(ish) Fantasy is my default, but open to alternatives (including fantasy mixed with Cyberpunk or Sci-fi). Some of my favorite settings are Planescape, Shadowrun, and (old) World of Darkness.

    Semi-Para to Multi-Para writer. Post length depends on the scene, my mood/energy levels, my RP partner(s), etc. This assumes a genuine scene and not just messing around.

    I usually like fantasy characters better than "normal" modern characters. Likewise, on the topic of species, the supernatural or (relatively) monstrous are especially favoured.

    Writing proficiency and creativity are more important to me than just pretty visuals. That said, if I hardly cared about visuals, I'd stick completely to heavily text-based mediums.

Qyrsha's Characters

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