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H'lo! Joined rpr August 2014! My schedule is random but I log in at least every other day, and I'm real diligent about letting my rp partners know if I'll be gone a few days or more, unless catastrophe interferes.

I prefer semi-paragraph + (usually 2-3 paragraphs), adult themed rp, anywhere from drugs and organized crime to blood 'n guts 'n torture to the sorts of activities the Red Light District is famous for. ;o Romantic stuff is also delightfully adored. But I enjoy lots of other kinds of rp, too! Hit me with an idea, we'll work something out.

Rave Reviews

Rain is an amazing RPer, his replies are always amazingly written and detailed without being overly so. His characters are well thought out and well rounded. I'm completely hooked on our current RP. I totally 100% recommend RPing with this guy! - SickViking

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