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Greetings and Salutations! I'm Tay; please call me that. I'm a blooming novelist and avid roleplayer. I work as a barista at a game store. Yup. I said that -- but enough about me as person.

I'm a world builder by trade, a concept artist by design and a character creator by class.

I have WAAAAY too much creativity for this lifetime, so I'm trying my best to get others involved so it takes some of the burden off my shoulders. Plus, it gives mean excuse to make different friends.

I have several ideas:
1. RomeNyth Labs -- "Seeking Compatible Guardians for an Experiment"
2. Names of the Emperor -- which needs a new title as the format is changing.
3. Teardrops Shaped Like Rain -- An alternative, contemporary Earth with different species.
4. Roses Bound in Blood -- Coming Soon.

There are more. Feel free to message me with requests for information; there's too much to put into a profile.

Inquiring minds want to know why we too should befriend TayAlexiel!

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