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To the edge of infinity, an invisible reality.
Where the power of thoughts sets me free.
On the journey to wonderland
I will hold the key in my own hands.
If dreams can come true, let us dream.
~About the player~

Hello everyone.

My name is Jordan and I'm happy to share my ideas with you.
The characters you see have been built over time and still continue to grow until I can release them for your enjoyment.

Most of my characters will center around my species of Galeacoma, their time in their own stories (both lore and those influenced by you, the players!) and pages dedicated to possible alternative timelines so that they may be better suited to certain roleplay scenarios. Feel free to help me with them and leave criticism so that I may improve.

I write and play primarily in Furcadia on my main acct (Scyllea, whisper friendly). I frequent the Sleazy Ferret and eventually Los Paraiso.
If you know any fun places to stay, please feel free to invite me so I can check it out!

Terraformer's Characters

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