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Hi! My name's Toby. I'm pretty familiar with RPing and a really awesome friend of mine introduced this site. I honestly don't know where to start with these introductions but I guess I'll have to change this for later. I guess for now I can talk about what I do and who I am.

Who is TobyisAwkward?
I'm a current college student at a college out of my town. So I tend to drive far distances and go places. I can get pretty quiet, and sometimes I "disappear" out of nowhere and suddenly appear again.

My disappearing thing happens when I need a mental break from everything. These can range from a few hours to a few weeks. So be warned if I don't answer until a few weeks later, I'm either busy with college or I'm taking a break from everything.
( OR I might be on here often, it really depends)

Just warning you my RP acting abilities are a little rusty. I haven't RPed my own characters in such a long time (long time being five years).

Are you short?
.... yes .....

Any Updates on life?
(8/11/17) I made this account, and just recently moved to a new house in town. College is coming up soon. I'm not going to be too stressed about it...What am I saying its gonna be stressful as shit, but we gotta do what we gotta do.

I also really really love dogs and I'm slightly allergic to cats....I'm still sad about the cat allergy thing. I really wish I wasn't even remotely allergic to anything that could trigger my asthma.

Stay safe out there dudes....the fires keeps spreading. Instead of bringing more water, why don't we control it by removing the fuel like the dry grasses and leaves. There's more fuel thanks to Autumn...

March 7, 2018.
I really should come back here and work on my "children" lolol

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