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I am a full time college student living in the United States. I have a part-time job and a number of extra-curricular organizations I am involved with which leaves my spare time to roleplaying. I have been roleplaying since I was 13 years old, and over time it has become somewhat of a guilty passion of mine. Over the years I have tried to abandon it as a time consuming, bad habit, and have failed. Furcadia has always been my failsafe as a means of immediate gratification for sating this need and providing a haven for roleplayers as eager as I am to get into it. This is why all of my characters on this site cater to this specific game.

As a point worth mentioning, I will never roleplay a furre or any anthromorphic character. Although Furcadia is a game that certainly facilitates this, I respectfully decline to involve myself in that sub-culture and so only roleplay human characters or species of my own creation. I have no issue roleplaying with furre characters and are in no way discriminatory towards them, but it is just a personal choice of mine not to roleplay as one of them.

Other than that, I hope you will all come to appreciate the dedication and effort I put into my roleplaying and characters and that I can provide a satisfying experience for all involved.

Vadim's Characters

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