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Hi, I'm Votaxinor. I hail from another role players site which has been sadly taken down. I might convert some of my old characters over to this website but I don't know.

I will role play but college is first priority. If I take a while to respond; don't think I've forgotten about you. It's just college is keeping me busy.

I really like dark/spiritual themes. Religious themes are common too (Mostly polytheism though). Romance is something I'm weak with but can definitely try to do if one wishes. Just you might notice I need a lot more practice due to how I've never personally experienced romance.

Fantasy and Adventure is common place for me!

I borrow pictures off of the net due to my lack of affinity with any form of artwork.
They don't show 100% of what the character looks like. It's a "what ever looks the closest" type of situation for me.

Names are randomized by my own mind. Every now and again I might check to see if another language has it in their dictionary. An example is that Rien turned out to be french... Ah well what ever. Still has a nice sound to it. r-eye-n. So if you see a name and go "Hey! That's not a name! How dare you!" Chill, it's just a coincidence alright ^.^

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