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Name: Alex
Gender: Genderfluid

Well, uhm, what can I really say?

I've been roleplaying since I was about 10 (back in my bite-sized times when I had to wrestle endlessly with a Neopets filter system) but I wouldn't say I'm the very best (that no one ever was) out there.

I enjoy Pokemon, Legend of Zelda, Skyrim, Left 4 Dead 1/2, pretty much a whole menagerie of games, and even more of a cluster of TV shows and Movies that I'm partially not wanting to type because of the length it would cause this to be.

I'm usually very easy to get along with (according to most people I meet?) so if you want to chat, you're welcome to. I can mostly be found on Tumblr, however, and I do try to get on my Skype a bit (if one would be interested in that).

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