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Quite new to this site so still setting stuff up and learning things. Have rped quite a few times with friends and on other sites so just seeing how this one works and stuff. May be a week or so before I get everything figured out and set up.
So if you want to chat about thinks I am fully up to that or to rp with me I will be up for it. Most times I do rp as Zobby a red fire dragon that eats quite a bit just as a heads up lol but am quite nice and friendly

Sorry about not being on this site much work and things have been hectic and have been finding it a bit hard to get that creative spark these days. I still plan to try and get on here to continue to work on my profiles and to add my other dragons but I tend to not get much time to do much these days. My goal is to try and finish up Clara before the end of the month to try and start off the new year 2021 to try and get back into doing rp stuff for it has been a wile for me

Inquiring minds want to know why we too should befriend Zobby!

Did you remember to explain why your friend is awesome?

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