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The genre I like most is fantasy, mediaval fantasy, Dungeons and Dragons, well almost any kind of fantasy. Also RP that is placed in the world of some of my favorite books is welcome, for example Robin Hobbs books and The Song of Ice and Fire (Game of throne as it is known nowadays). Modern and historical RP is fine too, though with those I prefer some supernatural or fantasy element to be there too. Don't particularly like slice of life rp. If you have an idea, just bounce it to me and we can discuss it. Romance is welcomed and if that leads to some smut I am fine with that just as long as the emphasis of the RP doesn't revolve around just the smut.

My responses might take a while, but I try to reply as fast as I can, but it might take sometime. Some days I reply more than others, somedays I do not have time to reply at all, sadly.

My timezone is GMT +2

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