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Hey welcome to my humble page. Please don't be afraid to hit me up with a message, I promise I don't bite!!

What's my name mean? Honestly I just randomly thought up something because I'm not creative, but withrice sounded weird to me. Conarroz fit better.

I frickin' love Homestuck and drawing. I play a bit of TF2, but a lot of Overwatch. Y'all can add me if you want: OwO#11848

Do I have a preference for roleplay? No, not really. I am a sucker for a good, cutesy romance, though. My characters' pages probably look pretty barren right now, but fear not! Hopefully I'll get to finishing them soon, and drawing their pictures, of course.

I also don't really have any rules. I just ask that you be chill with me and not a jerk, I think I'm a pretty rad guy. I hope we can get along!

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